Manual Testing

The purpose of this section is to highlight my experience with performing multiple types of testing. The images are to show my understanding of writing effective Bug Reports and Test Cases.

These examples also show experience using Project Management Tools such as Jira, and Test Management Tools like Zephyr.

Here you see an example of a Bug Report. There are the critical elements of Title, Environment, Steps to Reproduce, Expected Result, Actual Result, and an attached image that annotates the issue to make sure everything is clear for the developers.

Bug Reports

Test Cases

This example of a Test Case shows my mastery of the concepts that are important to writing easy-to-follow test cases. There are critical elements that include Preconditions, Steps, Test Steps, Expected Result, and Priority. This was written in Zephyr.

Gherkin Test Cases

These test cases are written using Gherking methodology. The examples show a solid understanding of the GIVEN, WHEN, THEN, AND operators.

Database Testing

This is an example of database testing that demonstrates experience using SQL, and testing tools such as dBeaver. This also shows a basic understanding of how to run JOINS.

API Testing

This is an example of API testing in an environment using Postman.

As always, paying attention to detail is important.

I had to create a bug report on this test, as the API returned more information than intended on the test. This is potentially harmful to the sensitive data transmitted from a security perspective.